An Adventure in San Diego, plus other stuff

I think I am going to start with the other stuff...even though I mention San Diego first in the title ;)

I honestly think writing a lot of my goals and aspirations down in this blog has helped me a lot, especially spiritually. Throughout the time I have had this blog I have felt the growth in myself and it has made me want to do even better. I now read my scriptures on a daily basis, say my morning prayers regularly and I am almost there with my night ones (I'm usually exhausted and collapse into bed, gotta pray, then collapse :P). I received one of the best compliments from my dad a few weeks ago, which is why this part of the blog is being written at all! About a week or two ago my parents, grandmother and older sister came to see the shows I was in. Afterwards they all commented on how much I have grown and progressed as an actress. Later that night as my dad was driving me to where I needed to be, he told me he was so proud of me. He mentioned that he could see my growth as a performer, but what he was the most proud of was my growth as a person and my growth spiritually. He nearly made me cry! I didn't tell him that...but he did. I was so happy that the work I was doing paid off. I want to be a person my little sisters can look up to and my parents are okay with them mimicking. :) I want to be an example to those around me. I want to be the kind of person that people say 'Oh, she has that light around her. I want to know what she has in her life to make her that way.' I don't know...that is just something I would love as much, if not more than, when I make people cry from the Spirit when I sing certain songs about Christ. I want people to see and feel the Spirit when they are around me.

Anyway! On to San Diego! This last week my mom, older sister, boyfriend(I was shocked when he was allowed to go! Both my mom and his mom were okay with it, as long as he slept on the floor...we gave him an air mattress :P) and I went to San Diego! It was amazing. California has this amazing thing called an ocean. Shocking, right? I love the ocean! I think I was meant to be near the ocean. I had never felt like that until this last trip. I have always loved the ocean and have loved visiting it, but someday I want to live within 5 hours of the ocean. It is beautiful, calm, scary, mysterious and ah! It is just amazing.

Okay, I need to back up a little :) Day 1: We left late. Shocking. This day was FULL of the car. An 11 hour car ride turned into 18 due to traffic. Apparently everyone in Cali goes to Las Vegas for the weekend and we were stuck in never ending traffic. It was awful, but fun. For the most part Adam and I were in the back of the very full and very squishy car. Later that night though Adam was driving and I was in the passenger seat and we just talked for about 2-3 hours. And we had fun playing with harmonies in church hymns. I am getting way better at Alto than I used to be :P It was just fun. Usually I'm the one talking his ear off, but this time, he talked and talked and talked and talked until he was hoarse! It was fantastic! I loved every minute of it.

Day 2: Sea World! All day! It was so much fun! I got to touch a dolphin for the first time in my life. When we watched the dolphin show my mom, sister and I all teared up. Dolphins are some of the most beautiful of animals in my opinion. We saw penguins, which I love! I also got to see lots of turtles! I bought myself a new turtle key chain and Adam bought me a turtle necklace he shouldn't have. We stayed at Sea World all day and were actually so entranced with the animals that we only rode the Sky Tower and that was to see where everything was. The Shamu show was also pretty great. Not as good as the dolphin show, but it was pretty spectacular! Whales are huge and beautiful animals as well. I discovered at Sea World that I want a pet otter. They are adorable! After Sea World that night we went to the beach to watch the sunset. SO pretty! Sunsets on the ocean are one of the most amazing sites known to mankind! We had gone just to look but Adam and I walked a little bit out into the freezing water and I decided I wanted to go all the way in. So I walked back to my wonderful mom and handed her my hoodie and shoes, Adam quickly followed suit and we ran back into the ocean. I waited for a wave and then I ducked under the water. I love the ocean so much! I didn't want to ever leave but I knew my mom must be getting cold on the beach. (Chelsea was with a friend that lives in San Diego, which is why the trip happened in the first place) We went back and just watched the crescent moon shine on the last of the sunset. *sigh of happiness* I think that night was my favorite from the whole trip. It was gorgeous and I was surrounded by some of the people I love the most.

Day 3: Late start getting up and took us FOREVER to get ready. But then we were out the door and driving to the castle temple. That would be what we decided to call the LDS (which I happen to be) San Diego temple. It looks just like a castle! It was unfortunately closed so we couldn't go in. But we did walk around the temple grounds a bit! It was so pretty. I love going to the temple, even just the grounds. It is so peaceful and wonderful! We were there for quite awhile. Then we went back to the hotel (which was very nice by the way!) to put swim suits and whatnot on. Then we drove around looking for a kayaking place, found a very nice one, and went on a 4:00 kayaking tour! On the ocean! It was so amazing! We saw DOLPHINS! And leopard sharks and garibaldy fish and sea lions and a dead jelly fish and the inside of a really cool cave. We got to look at quite a few more caves, but only inside the one. It was so relaxing and so nice to just be out on the ocean. Adam and I had quite a few splash fights and it was just fun! Then we went out to dinner with Chelsea's friend and all of us but Chelsea went back to the hotel. Adam and I were still pretty awake so we went to the hotel pool and had a lot of fun! The pool was heated and there was a jacuzzi! Perfect!

Day 4: Departure day :( Unfortunately, it was the day to leave. But! First we went to a new beach and had fun taking pictures and attempting to avoid getting our clothes super wet, which kind of failed, but it was fun trying! We just wandered and skipped and took tons of pictures. Adam started dancing and leaping. It was so much fun. My older sister and I reenacted a picture from when we were kids. Adam wrote a few cute things in the sand and my mom was loving her camera, we were all enjoying the ocean breeze and the waves and watching these adorable dogs run and play in it. Then we drove home. Which was much shorter than the drive there but my body and I did not want to be stuck in a car all day. I even had a random emotional outburst of tears when my sister got comfortable in 10 seconds in a spot where I couldn't get comfortable in 3-4 hours. Yes, I needed a bed and sleep :) But it was still fun. I asked my mom to stop at a certain gas station so I could buy this adorable bag I had seen on our way to Cali and it was fantastic. We got home at 4 am and all of slept until at least 10 or 11 I think. Chelsea and my mom slept until noon or one ish. And then Adam and I spent the day together since he happened to have the day off. In short, this trip was amazing I thought it deserved a blog post because of how amazing it was!

This was a wonderful trip! I am so happy I was invited along, as well as Adam. It was just fun and ah! I love the ocean, I love my family, I love this amazing world that Heavenly Father has created for us. The beauty he made sure to include is amazing. The creatures, the ocean, the sand, AH! It is just phenomenal and helps me to realize even more just how much my Heavenly Father and my Savior love me, and everyone else in this world.


  1. By the way, all these pictures are courtesy of my mom and Adam :)

  2. You are just an inspiration girl! I miss both you and Adam and hope you have the most AMAZING life that you both deserve! Love you!!!


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