The Wind Beneath My Wings

Sorry, it's been a few weeks since I've posted! Life has been hectic! There is always something going on, homework, memorizing, rehearsals, being sick, meetings to be at, more rehearsals, dance stuff, LOTS of homework, etc., etc. Which leads right into my topic!! My MOMMY!!!!

This just happened to work out with the whole Mother's Day thing being just 1-2 days away :) My mom is the best mom in the universe. She is always there for her children, she always tries to help us with whatever is wrong and she makes sure to let us know we can go to her for anything. She is our(my sisters' and my) best friend. We laugh with her, cry with her, whine to her, celebrate with her, everything!

These last few weeks have been tough. With all that stuff going on I felt like I was going to explode! And everything was due around the same time which TOTALLY screwed up my way of writing a "to do" list and doing it. I usually write down everything I need to do and when it's due and work in order. Well with it all at the same time I had no idea what to do and I would just try to escape it all by sleeping and being distracted by friends...which didn't help my stress levels at all. So one night when I honestly thought I was just going to break down, I called my mom. I just talked to her and explained everything to her and she told me exactly what to do and how to do it. That night I finished what she told me to and then the rest of the week I have been following that and it's worked! My mommy is a genius! She would randomly check up on me and I would let her know how I was doing and sometimes calling her was my 'reward' after doing some homework.

My mom is always there for me. Even back when I was the "devil child" and hated being with my family, especially my mom (we are very similar and that bugged me), I know she was still there for me and would still do anything for me. After we moved to Utah I began to be more open with my mom. It all started with just wanting my mom to trust me so I could have more freedom, but it worked. My mom trusted me, and I trusted her. I began to 'fight' with my older sister for time to talk with my mom. I began just going to her room as she started going to bed and just curling up with her and talking until I got kicked out by my dad. My mom is someone that I know I can go to with anything.

When we were kids and had arguments with people, or when they were being mean, we would talk to my mom afterwards and tell her everything that had happened and she came up with the BEST comebacks ever! She always felt a little bad afterwards for teaching us those things...but they were dang good even though it was now too late to use them! :P

My mom and I have a lot of the same medical problems, I always complain to her for having all her genes and none of dad's, but I am actually very proud to say I am just like my mother. I want to be the kind of mom she is to my children someday. I am often told by people that meet the two of us that we are almost identical. Not in how we look necessarily but in how we talk and act. It's kind of funny to think about! I get this comment a lot especially here at college when friends meet my mom for the first time. :D I love being my mother's daughter. We can relate to each other so well and even if she can't necessarily empathize with whatever is going on in my life at the moment, she can sympathize and come up with good suggestions of things to do.

When I have children, I want them to know their grandma and to be able to say to themselves, wow, it is so obvious that mom is grandma's daughter! My mom is honest to goodness the best in the world.

Thank you mom for always being there for me! Thank you for making me laugh, holding me when I cry, letting me skip school to cry or vent to you. Thank you for always being willing to talk to me when I call you. Thank you for teaching me how to be the person I am today. You really are the wind beneath my wings!


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