Getting Just a Little Bit Closer to the Dream :)

I finally have a performance I can be proud of! I have worked and worked and worked all year up here at Western Wyoming to have a performance that I can say I was proud of. To anyone that knows me...that doesn't happen very often! I am a perfectionist, especially with my voice and if the tiniest thing goes wrong with it, I consider it a bad performance. Or if I focus too much on my voice and don't truly let myself be vulnerable to act.

These past few weeks I have been work-shopping different pieces with the head of the department, Jamie. It has been one of the most frustrating, grueling, eye-opening, crazy, exhilarating experiences of my life. But it has paid off. We had our Singing for the Actor 2 finals on Friday. This piece really meant a lot to me and I had already work-shopped it with Jamie and at the end of the workshop he said that it was the best performance of mine he had ever seen, and if I could do it that strongly at the final then it would be perfect for what I have learned in the program thus far. This song, I sub-texted the heck out of it, and by the end, the meaning of the song was very different from how it originated and I loved it. It was something I could really emotionally connect to!

Well the performance came...and I did it. I made myself proud. I don't even really remember what happened during the performance. I know I tried to tear it apart in my mind to find things to work on, and yes, there were little things I could improve on, but nothing huge and major (to me, which usually there is quite a few) and I just felt good afterwards. I mean, the sub-texting was sad and a bit depressing, but I was able to pull out of it and say, that was a good performance. I talked to Jamie afterwards and he told me it was a beautiful performance, the strongest he had ever seen me do and the most vulnerable I had ever been.

I was on Cloud 9 after that! I talked to another professor and he said it was something I should be proud of and that I had grown a lot this year. Students that watched the final told me it was the best they had seen me do. And I smiled and said "thank you" instead of hanging my head and mumbling it or saying "ew, no I needed to fix this and this and this."

I love seeing improvement in myself and I love being able to admit to improving. I still have a lot I need to work on, but I am so grateful for this wonderful opportunity my Heavenly Father has placed in front of me. He guided me to WWCC and to Jamie and his amazing Musical Theatre program. It is because of this program and because of the people I have met here that I am the person I am now. I have learned so much about myself and this program and I have become a much harder worker.

I always forget to, but I need/want to thank God every single day for the talent he has given me to be able to grow and expound upon. Without my voice I wouldn't really have a whole lot, and through my voice I have been able to grow on other talents like acting. And I am working on developing another: dance. God really is a part of my life and loves and cares for me and runs to me when I need help. I need to remember to let Him in. I need to remember to be grateful to Him for all that He has given me. I love my Father in Heaven, I must remember to tell Him so and let those around me know by my words and example that I am proud to be a Daughter of God.


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