Blessed with the Best Friends and Family EVER!

I would just like to point out to the world that I have the absolute best friends known to mankind! :D

I think I am actually going to use names in this one, makes my life a little bit easier! And this isn't going in any particular order, I'm just writing about people I can think of while I am this exhausted (pulled an all-nighter, 2nd one this week :P)

Alright, I just first wanted to point out Bri Bedore. She has been my suitemate this past year and will be my roommate next year in a 2 person apartment. She is AMAZING! She has helped me so much and has been such an influence in my life. And she is hilarious! We have become so close we have started using a few of each other's mannerisms and can imitate each other almost perfectly. She is one of the most talented people I have ever met and I know that someday she will make it big and she will be able to continue doing what she loves to do! She is such a strong person and very independent, but is also sweet and gentle and knows how to help others in the best way possible. And this girl is eloquent to the max! Her favorite word is moribund! Haha what a great word! I just really want to thank her for how much she has blessed my life this year! I would be a completely different person if it weren't for her. I want to also thank her for making me laugh. Always! We had a 2-3 hour conversation about mostly zombies, but we also talked about friends, college, literature and other such things, all somehow eventually connected to zombies. This girl is amazing!

Alexis Bryan is another one of my friends that I am the absolute closest too! I miss and love her so much! We live about 5 hours away from each other at our separate colleges and get almost no time to talk anymore. But when we do it's like nothing has happened. We still talk about anything and everything and update each other on all that's going on or has happened in our lives. She became my best friend my Senior year of high school. She is such a shining example to me and again, insanely talented!  Senior year was a big tough one for me, and without her I honest to goodness have no idea what I would do. She knew when to listen, when to give advice and when to try and make me laugh (which she can pretty much always succeed at). I can't even explain some of the times we have had, they are that good! :P She has always been there for me and I know that she always will.

Sarah Hawkins! I love her! Alexis, she and I were basically inseparable my Senior year. She and I have a lot of similar emotions and can really relate to each other. Even if the situations are different, we find ways to empathize with one another. I miss this girl so freakin' much as well! We are about 3.5 hours apart and when she goes into the Marines (I'm pretty sure that's the one she has for sure decided on) we will be even further apart :( Which sucks, so I tend to try and avoid thinking about it! I know that she will kick any guys' butt that hurts me or tries to hurt me. She is definitely someone you don't want on your bad side. She also has helped me through a lot! Especially boy things! She is a wonderful person to talk to and I love her so much! Someday the 3 of us will reunite and wreck havoc upon Utah Valley :D

Kyle Bybee. Holy cow! Where do I start with this kid! After about a month into my first semester here at Western he and I have been insanely close. He is my brother. We tease each other like brother and sister and we talk to each other like the closest brother and sister would. He is always there for me. He is an insomniac so I can call or text him at anytime and he is always willing to help and to listen, no matter how bad his problems are. He is one of those people I know I will be close to for the rest of my life. He is someone I will call even after I'm married just to talk and see how he is doing. He has done way more for me than I think he even realizes! Well, obviously he knows he has done a ton for me, but I think it goes deeper than that. He just has helped me emotionally and mentally and spiritually in so many ways! I love this kid. If anything ever happened to him I have no idea what I would do.

Melinda Furr is next! She is a fantastic and wonderful daughter of God. She is always there for me, as I am for her (and anyone and everyone else I do or do not mention in this blog :P) We have both been through a lot and through it all we are still helping each other out. We may not always follow the other's advice, but we listen and, usually, eventually we realize we should have followed. We know we could never live with each other, but we love each other so much and would do anything to help the other out! She was another one of those people that was really there for me during Senior year. I miss her a ton!

Mark Leavitt is my Canadian cuddle buddy! (more of a hug buddy and then I don't let go, so he has Jasmine attached to his side buddy) He is willing to listen to anything and everything and give the best advice he can. Besides the cuddle buddy bit, he is another brother for me. I miss him so much but I am excited that he is planning on going to BYU come this fall and then go on a mission. He is one of the best examples in my life. If I could be like Mark I probably would, in most ways. I rather like being a girl ;)

David Leavitt is the other Canadian cuddle buddy, but his cuddles are much shorter due to his VERY short attention span and need to always be moving. This kid is just as wonderful as his brother. They are very different and have very distinct personalities but in the ways they are the same, those are the things I want to be able to emulate in my life. David is outgoing, also going to BYU in the fall and then off to a mission. David gives some of the most amazing hugs! Especially when he picks you up and twirls you around. He is a fantastic kid and I am so happy to be able to say he is a part of my life.

JD Goates! Oh my heck! This kid is yet another brother to me! I love him so much! We talk about anything and everything. Unfortunately he doesn't like telling stories over facebook or text so we have to wait until we actually see each other before we get to really talk. But I trust him with everything and anything in my life. He is good at listening and giving advice when he has any he wants to give. He is someone I know I could call in a year and he would still be willing to listen and help and that we would catch up and act as if no time had passed!

Nathaly DeLaTorre...teehee, oh the good times this chica and I have had! First friend in Utah, thanks to Blevin's PE class! This girl, is CRAZY! She is honest to goodness insane and I love her to death! We have had many random adventures and some great Halloweens! This girl doesn't give a dang what anyone else thinks of her and is herself, completely and totally. And I respect and love that and look up to her for that talent. She always listens to me without judging and I know I can tell her anything and she will tell me how it is. If I was stupid, she will tell me so. Not meanly, just in her little "I told you so" kind of way. I miss her like crazy! I have not seen this girl since I graduated I think and this needs to change!!!

Colter Christenson is another one of my brothers from up here in Wyoming. (There is a room of them :P) He is someone I never expected to grow close to, but now he knows quite a bit about me and has helped with a lot of things. He is my home teacher and I am eternally grateful that he was assigned to me. Colter is someone I love and trust and will miss when he leaves and goes on his mission to Nauvoo and then moves on with the rest of his life.

Jared Fillingim is yet another brother in that room. (Kyle is the older brother that I am the closest to probably, but when he left I grew closer to Colter and James and they are the brothers that I love spending time with and Luke is the brother that's close to my age, but we are both involved in very different things and so we don't see or talk to each other much, but still like each other fine and dandy and have a good time when we are together in a group of people and now Jared...) Jared and I were friends first semester but not someone I would say I was really close to. This semester though we have grown closer. Maybe not as close as me and Kyle or me and Colter and James, but closer than we were. Jared has actually been a really, really great example to me in a lot of ways and I want to be able to learn from some of those qualities that he has. Jared has helped me through some pretty tough times without even realizing it I think. The car wreck is one of the first things that comes to mind. He made sure everyone was okay and did all he could to make us comfortable, less scared, etc., etc. Anyway, I am so happy to know Jared and that I know I can ask him for help and he will do all he can to make sure I receive that help. He really is just a great person.

James Oswald! When I first met this kid he scared the crap out of me! He was older than me and had a scary beard. AHH!!! Well then we somehow started talking, and I feel awful that I can't remember exactly how we met, but I remember just feeling like I could trust James and now he is another one of brothers in that room. I told him a few things I hadn't planned on telling a whole lot of people and our friendship has just kind of bloomed. I trust James and I love hanging out with him. We tend to always have a good time, even if it's at my expense :) He has also helped me with quite a few things. We had this week where we texted quite a bit and talked on the phone for a few hours one night and I think we grew a lot closer and I learned a lot more about him and I tried to be more open with him. He figured a few things out about me that he has tried to help me out with. He is another one of those shining examples in my life that I am going to miss when he graduates this summer.

Adam Smithee is an interesting one. Senior year we were best friends. It was kind of weird, we were from completely different social circles and yet we seemed to click. We started hanging out and everything and just really liked each other's company and grew to really trust each other and tell each other everything. This friendship has had some ups and downs but we always manage to keep in touch eventually. Our lives have taken very different paths but I think we will always manage to maintain our friendship even if it means only talking like once a year and for not very long. We both knew pretty much everything about each other and a bond like that can be hard to break, so I don't think it will. Which I am grateful for, this kid took up a lot of my time Senior year and it would be a pity to have that mean nothing. :P

Sarah Flinders, holy cow. I don't think I have met someone who has so many things in common with me, ever. We always tend to go through the same types of situations and emotions and and attachments and it's kind of insane. We always understand each other and try to help out in whatever way we can. We keep in touch and love each other's company. Sarah is always trying to lift me up and I am always trying to lift her. We love and miss each other so much and I will always be happy about the moment Sarah signed up for Vocal Techniques so that we could really get to know each other and become the friends we are now.

Oh Tristan Fishman. I love this gay colorblind woodchipping (has to do with a sound he made once) Jew with all my heart! He makes me laugh allllll the time! I have no idea how he does it, but almost anytime we are together, especially with Bri as well, I end up on the floor, in tears, with a MAJOR hurting tummy from laughing so hard! He is like the sunshine! Just makes me giggle and happy constantly! This kid is so freakin' talented. He can go somewhere with his voice I do believe! It is one of the most beautiful guy voices I have ever heard! And I am going to make this kid stay in contact with me because I always need my daily dose of Tristan sunshine! :P

Ok, so of course, I have to have my boyfriend on this list of friends that are amazing and have helped me so much in my life. Adam Jensen has done so, so, so, so, so much to help me. I don't know if he realizes just how much he has! I am able to be in a relationship because of him, I asked a friend for a blessing I badly needed because of him. I strive to be a better person every day because of him. I want to be someone who is worthy of him. I want to be someone he can be proud of. This sounds close to like hero worship, which it's not, I'm just trying to convey just how much I respect and care for him and just how grateful I am for everything he has ever done or said towards or about me. He is a sap. And he is a dork. But I love it! He is not at all like any other guy I have liked or dated and I love the change. He keeps me happy and he knows what to say to try and make me feel better when I am melancholy. He never puts me down. He never seriously says anything that could be taken as insulting. I mean yes, we mess around and tease each other, but he always makes sure I know he is kidding. He is constantly complimenting me and doing whatever he can to make me happy and comfortable. He is a major blessing in my life and I know the Lord put him in my life when He did for a reason. Along with all my other friends. They all had a purpose in my life and I am so grateful for it, even the hard times that came because of some of these friendships.

Ok, now I really want to talk about my family and how wonderful and amazing they are to me!

I first want to mention my older sister, Chelsea. Chelsea is beautiful and amazing and rambunctious and loud. But I wouldn't have it any other way. It wouldn't be Chelsea if she was quiet and shy! Can it be annoying? Of course! But what siblings don't annoy each other every once in awhile? I love her so much. She has been my best friend for my entire life. We can tell each other everything, we don't always, but we can! We try to help each other whenever we can. It's harder now that we live so far apart (which is WEIRD!) but whenever we are home at the same time we try to do something with just me and her, or me, her and my mom. We have always been close and we always will be. I miss her more than anyone probably. She knows just how to comfort me. I remember once I was really upset about some stuff and bawling my eyes out and she had me crawl into her bed with her and we watched funny YouTube videos for HOURS. Just to make me feel better. She gave me this GORGEOUS mobile of pictures of us and the family for graduation and I love it! I was kind of upset when I knew I couldn't bring it with me to college. It is beautiful and I know that every hole, knot and picture was done with love. I love her so much!

Okay, now my 15 year old sister. We have never been too close. In fact we were always arguing. But lately I feel as though our relationship has been growing. It just took both of us to mature and understand that we are wayyy too similar in some aspects and we need to learn to not push each other's buttons. But she has been a blessing in my life. I love her SO much and I am upset that I never really tried to be closer to her before I left for college. McKenzie is beautiful and talented. She is the most photogenic one out of all of us and she has a kind heart. I think sometimes she buries it, but that's because she is in the rebellious teenage years. She still has that kind heart and peaceful disposition. I miss her so much, but I am happy that through my leaving we were able to become much closer to each other. She has grown up so much from the roly poly little 3 year old that used to eat my Barbie's feet. She is now a beautiful Young Woman and Daughter of God and I am proud to call her my sister. Of course we still have our disagreements and arguments, but it has become so much easier for us to overlook those and to truly love each other as sisters should.

Okay, I have to talk about my mommy! My mom and I are SO close. But we used to not be. For quite some time I couldn't stand my mom. (I was an idiot child) I couldn't stand my family, but my mom was the worst, probably because we are very similar and it just rubbed us the wrong way. Then we moved to Utah and my relationship with her started to grow and grow and grow! I love my mommy sooooo much! I would stay up until who knows when in my parent's bed and just talk and talk and talk to my mom! I always wanted to tell her more and to find more to talk about just so I could stay there and talk and have that feeling of happiness when you are that close to a parent. Now I call her whenever I have a free minute! I love talking to my mom. We understand each other for the most part I think. We have a lot of the same medical issues and I think that that has also helped us to become the friends we are now. I love my mom!

Daddddyyy!!! Otherwise known as Padre by me :D I love my dad so stinkin' much! I don't talk to him as much as I talk to my mom, but I still love talking to him. I remember once he came and picked me up from up here in Wyoming and we had a 3.5 hour drive ahead of us. My voice was almost gone by the time we got home. I had a nonstop conversation with my dad for that entire time. It was crazy! I knew I loved my dad and could talk to him, but I hadn't realized just how much. I know I love my dad and that he loves me. Yes, we can drive each other insane very quickly but we always know we have that love. I also really love just curling up with my dad on a couch. If I see him sitting on one not doing too much, I just crawl up next to him and curl myself around his side and just sit and breath with him until one or both of us fall asleep or he remembers something he has to do. My dad is amazing and works so hard to help his family. I respect him so much for that! I love mi padre :D

Bella-boo and Josie-Posie are my two youngest sisters. They are adorable. And I miss them. They call me Min-min and I call Bella: Goose and Josie: Monkey. They are so adorable! I love to just play with them and cuddle with them and sing them to sleep. I am always scared that because I'm not home very much anymore that they might forget me or how much they love me, but every time I see them they run to me and give me a huge hug and yell "MIN-MIN" I love my little sisters and watching them grow. They are very sweet, very innocent children of God and they are hilarious. This post just makes me want to squeeze them to me now! :)

Sooo, that's all the people I think I want to write about. I just really wanted to write about and remember just how blessed I am. I am surrounded by amazing and wonderful people and I am so happy the Lord has put them into my life when He did. They all came at the times when I needed them the most. I love my family and I love my friends and I definitely love my Heavenly Father for everything that they have all done for me.


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