That One Whiny Post That Shouldn't Exist, But Does.

Yup. This is that post. Now, I'm actually in a pretty good place. Which is nice, because a few weeks ago I was really NOT in a good place. And that shall be another blog post. BUT last night, I had a bit of a relapse.

I have some truly wonderful friends. However, sometimes I hear/see/read them say something like, "Oh, Jasmine is great! I love hanging out with her and she is just a really fun person! BUT, I'm worried/scared she might like me."


Thanks. I'm glad my affections, IF I even have any like that for you, are a cause for worry, frustration, repulsion, etc. Now, let's face it, I seem to make my best of friends the most beautiful of people I, or anyone else, knows. My closest female friends are all very sought-after women.

And then there's me.

The side-kick. The puppy dog. That girl who is really funny when you put her on caffeine. That girl who is kinda pretty and has the gorgeous and/or witty, perfect best friend. The girl who is fun to tickle, great to tease, and who is almost always just kind of happy. The girl who always just wants to help and be a good friend, but is seen as making advances/is not remembered/isn't quite as important as the best friend.

NOW, this has NOTHING to do with my dearest friends. They mean the world to me and I can completely and totally understand why they are so sought after and admired. I admire them and aspire to be like them.

However, I also know that I have my own great qualities. As listed above: I want to help, I can be fun, I can be hilarious, I'm generally a pretty happy person, I just want YOU to be happy, too. I have a solid testimony of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

So what's wrong with me? Not pretty enough, not spiritual enough, too fat?

I can honestly tell you this: I. Have. No. Idea. And I am trying very hard to not care.

But to all: Don't get WORRIED about if someone likes you or not. Be flattered that maybe they do. YOU caught their attention. Even if you just wanted the attention of their best friend, you still got someone attracted to you, so at least you are doing something right. It isn't the end of the world. And if you really want to know about it, just ask. Granted, they may lie and cover up because it's EMBARRASSING or because we KNOW you don't like us back. But at least you asked and you moved on.

I could go on and on about how I felt worthless when I discovered my affections, whether real or imaginary, could be seen as something to worry about. But I won't. It's pointless. Just try to feel flattered and realize it is a good thing that you can attract attention, even if it isn't necessarily from whom you would like.

So you do your thing, I'll do my thing, and if a talk needs to happen, make it happen (or the person in MY shoes will make it happen.) Just... communication people. It's key.


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