Dreams and Growth and EXCITEMENT!!!

Well folks... one of my little dreams has come true. I RECORDED! By the end of April I will own a CD with my voice on it. WOO!! Now I just want to go to a professional recording studio (or semi...or not at all professional!) and do a CD with just me and songs I want to sing instead of one's I love but have to sing for the sake of having a recording of the show :P And the beautiful girl that played "Little Amy" made me a beautiful handkerchief with "Marmee" sewn on! Made me teary :)

Another dream that I really haven't talked about much/ever really... is going to Africa to do Humanitarian work. I have ALWAYS wanted to go to Africa and share my talents, or even put my more obvious talents to the side and just work and help the people there. Well... I have met a lady. And she is helping me find connections and good programs to go through! It will be an expensive little booger, but hopefully within the next few years I will get to go to Africa for a week or more and meet the humble and beautiful people of that area of the world and help them in whatever way I can. AHHHH!!! SO MUCH EXCITEMENT! I don't think this blog post can HANDLE just how EXCITED I am right now.

AND I get to go to Wyoming for the summer!!!!!! I have a few friends that will be joining me and I get to work with the marvelous Jamie Young again and I cannot WAIT! I have missed the way he does theatre ever since I left. ERMERGERSH SER ERXCERTED!!! AND I get to go home for a few weeks before I go to Wyoming and then a month before I have to come back to Virginia and I will get to see my family and my Grandmother and my best friend and my dog and my yard and my sunshine and my SPRINKLERS! AHHHHHH!!!!!!!!

Okay... to calm this down just a little bit... don't you think it is one of the best feelings in the world when you blog or Facebook stalk a friend you really haven't talked to much in a year and a half or so (that's a guess... I have kinda lost track...) and you see just how much they have grown as a person. With this particular friend we had a bit of a falling out... We are talking again and whatnot, but throughout this time I didn't really keep up on friend except for what people occasionally told me on a whim. I read friend's blog posts today... and I just couldn't stop smiling I was so proud and so happy that this person seemed to be moving forward in life. There was one in particular that just warmed my heart and I wanted to comment...but I wanted to comment anonymously but with my blog account it wouldn't let me do that for some reason. But I was just SO relieved. I know friend is still working and still struggles, but he/she is taking those steps and leaps and bounds to work towards the best person this friend can be.

I love looking back at my past, the past of my friends, my family, etc and just looking at how we all have changed. There have been moments in my life when I looked back and I had to ask myself "what have I done? I have gone so downhill!" but I have also had those moments of "Thank you, Heavenly Father, for helping me stay on the straight and narrow, if I hadn't relied on you through some of these times I wouldn't be where I am today." Today is one of those kinds of days! I have changed drastically since last semester. I have become so much closer to my Father in Heaven and have stopped blaming Him for everything that went wrong in my life. I re-planted that seed of faith and I am helping it to grow and grow and grow! And look what happens?! Yes, I still have a lot of really hard things that happen and cause me to just have some REALLY bad days... but I feel His love. I feel His arms embrace me and He says "You can do it. Just one more step. You've got this! I promise if you make it through these trials you will be blessed SO much. Lean on me. We can do it." And I do, and things just keep working out for me! I mean look at this summer! I get to go home like I have been craving since I got on the plane to come back to Virginia, I get to see my best and dearest friend that I have missed more than I can say, I get to see my FAMILY!!!!!!!!!, I get to go back to Wyoming and learn at Jamie's side again, which is also a JOB that I DESPERATELY need, and I get to work for my Grandmother at the beginning and end of summer. Despite all the hardship that I am going through and will continue to go through, if I just look for the blessings He is giving me, I know I can make it through anything. He is my Savior and my Redeemer and I know that HE LIVES and continues to bless lives to this very day and for all Eternity.


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