Power of Prayer and Testimony

I first want to start out with saying that this school year has been amazing. I have learned so much and I cannot wait to learn more for the rest of my time here.

Flowers for Algernon has been amazing. It has touched my life and I am sure it is touching many other people's lives. Being able to interact with mentally disabled people and to get to know them at NOWCAP has been one of the best experiences of my entire life. They have taught me more about life than anyone I have ever met. They are so happy, energetic, honest and full of love. They have made me realize that life IS good. There are always reasons to be happy. This entire experience has affected me so much. I plan on continuing going to NOWCAP and interacting with these people as often as I can. They have a light inside them that they share with everyone they encounter. It truly is amazing.

Ok! On to what the title of this blog post is about...

Well, this Sunday was Fast and Testimony meeting. (if you aren't LDS, don't worry about it, just know it is a once a month special meeting we do that is very spiritual :D). I was fasting about something that has been worrying me and kind of scaring me for the past while. AND, as I mentioned in my last post, I have a hard time believing in the power of answers to prayer. I know it happens for other people, but it just never seems to happen to me.

This Sunday, almost all of the testimonies people bore was focused on simple things, like the power of prayer and scripture study. I knew right then and there that this was going to be a good, but emotionally tough testimony meeting. With every testimony that was given, I felt waves and waves of comfort roll over me. By the end my heart was pounding and telling me to bear mine on the power of prayer. I was confused and didn't really want to, but I did. I stood up there, said my name, what I wanted to bear my testimony on, and cried. By this point we were 20 minutes over time, but it was worth it. I felt the Spirit leading me and helping me. I listened to myself talk about how prayer is hard for me to believe in, but how I know that the Lord provided an answer to one my many prayers that day in sacrament. Prayer is real. Heavenly Father will give me the answers I need when I am ready and receptive to them. He loves me. I am His daughter. I thanked everyone for bearing their testimonies, especially those that mentioned prayer and scripture study. I think that answer to prayer will still be a hard thing for me to really grasp, but through my experiences this year and this semester I am slowly but surely catching a hold and believing it.  I know that my Father in Heaven will help me with this thing looming in my life that is worrying and scaring me. He will never leave me. He is always there, waiting for me to open the door even more, to throw His arms protectively around me and help me with whatever I need help with, no matter how big or small.

I love being a member of this church, I love my Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ, I believe they are always there "to comfort me when faint." I know He put certain people and experiences in my life to help me grow. I thank Him every day for the family and friends He has given me. Coming to Rock Springs, Wyoming was one of the best decisions I have ever made and I know I owe it all to Christ.


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