Life is Hard, Be Grateful Anyway

It's around Thanksgiving and I figured I should post again, but as I tried to think of a topic to write about, all I could think of was how hard and stressful life can be. I thought of all the hard decisions I've had to make and how I've hurt and how others have hurt in the past while. I knew I didn't want to write about any of that so I almost gave up and decided to pass on writing a blog. Then I made myself think about how it is Thanksgiving. It is a time to be grateful and realize all the blessings I have in my life.

I have friends who love and support me. They are always there for me and willing to talk. My roommate is especially wonderful to me. She is always there and ready to help with any little thing I need help with. I have friends back home in Utah that love me and miss me as much as I love and miss them. They are there to help me through hard times.

I have a family that also loves and supports me. The minute they hear of anything going wrong in my life they are there offering their prayers and their love. This includes extended family. One of my aunt's in Missouri is always offering support, love and her prayers when she sees just how busy and stressed I can be. My mom, dad and sisters always make sure I am as happy and content as I can be in whatever given circumstances I am in. They let me know I have a support system and people I can always call and talk to when I am homesick or just want to talk.

I am thankful for a wonderful Theatre program and the amazing teachers and opportunities I have there. I have grown so much as a person and a performer and I finally feel able to say that I am an actress. I'm not just a singer who can act, I am a strong singer and actor who is developing her skills in dance and without this program that I am in I don't think I would have the confidence to be able to say that.

I am extraordinarily grateful for prayer and answers to prayer. Sometimes the answer takes a long time in coming, or sometimes it isn't the answer you want, but you know that you will be blessed if you follow the guidance the Lord gives you. Christ always knows exactly how you feel and if you let Him, He will comfort you and help you through everything in your life. It is through Him that change, forgiveness and second chances are possible. I love my Savior so much and I am so grateful to Him for everything he has helped me with and for all of the challenges and tests He has put in my path to make me a better person. I know that if I endure to the end I will be blessed.

Many people think purely of their lives and how hard their lives are and don't remember all of the little things that make life beautiful, no matter how hard it gets. I know that is something I really need to work on more throughout my every day life and it is something I will gladly do. I know I am blessed and I know that life will get better, it just takes a little work on my part.


  1. I loved that post. It seems like your doing good.


    Totally stuck up there on that pedestal. :P Hee.


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