The Audition

Okay.... So a lot of folk have asked about my audition videos and such. I do not like to brag and, in fact, many of my pieces make me quite self-conscious! But as a whole I am proud of what I was able to accomplish in so short a time. So I've attached my videos. Enjoy. :)

This is the piece I am probably the most self-conscious about. This is the FIRST piece I have EVER choreographed. The transitions are REALLY rough, most of it is rough, but I am dang proud of it. I haven't really danced in roughly 5 years. I loved dance at Western and I have missed it SO much. I just never felt comfortable or "safe" dancing at SVU. So I didn't. This was great for me to stretch and work those muscles again. So as far from even mediocre as it is, I am incredibly proud and happy about this.

The next four videos are the songs I needed. Two ballads, two upbeat, 3 in the musical theatre genre and one not. First up, If I Were a Bell from Guys and Dolls.

This next one is my classical piece. The Black Swan from The Medium. Creepy song, creepy show, had too much fun.

Vanilla Ice Cream from She Loves Me

And my favorite piece: I'll Forget You from The Scarlet Pimpernel

Up next: Two monologues! I needed one Shakespeare/Classical piece and one contemporary piece. First one up is the classical. Hermione's monologue after she has been accused of infidelity by her husband (the king), she was in prison, had her baby in prison, baby was taken from her and taken to be killed, can't see son, husband is her life and she doesn't understand why he is doing this.

Next is The Effect of Gamma-rays on Man-in-the-Moon Marigolds. I am Tillie. Tillie lives in an emotionally abusive and dysfunctional home. She has no friends. Science is her only escape. Science is the reason she keeps living and trying every day.

And this last piece was another scary one for me. It was the "Devised Piece". Basically, I had to take the elements of musical theatre and create my own piece that told them something about me. So I did this and entitled it, "The Journey of a Lifetime"

One of the schools also needed an unaccompanied sang song (I used the first verse of Come, Thou Fount) and another school required a recorded personal statement, but those are not YouTube worthy unless my videos didn't go through online so they will not be appearing here!

If you lasted through all 8 of those videos, power to you and thank you!

I couldn't have done any of this without all of the love and support I have received. I was delivered pizza in bed, bubbles at 1 am, plums at random times and lovely notes. I was given hugs, encouragement, pep talks and technical support. I was given very honest and very critical opinions. I received practical advice, extra voice lessons, and so much more. Thank you to everyone near and far that believes in me, believes in my hopes, and believes that I can achieve my dreams. I love and appreciate all of you more than you know.

Thank you again. :)


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