Fake It 'Til You Make It
Fake it 'til you make it. This has been my life for at least the past year. Or really just my whole life. :) I had a fun conversation with my older sister the other day. I was updating her a bit on my life and my plans. She mentioned that it was nice to hear that because I'm always so "secretive" with what I am planning on doing next. Not purposefully secretive, I just don't open up about it and am not proactive in telling her/the family on what I am going to do next. I had to stop and just laugh. My older sister always tells me how much she admires me and my ability to make a plan for my life and to follow through. She compliments me on being prepared and ready to take the next responsible step in my life. I always laugh and move on. This time, I decided to tell her my secret (after I finished laughing). I don't open up about my future plans very often because... ready for this... I have no idea what they are. Not a clue. I have Plans A-Z in my head and I a...