Turning Tough Blows Into Blessings

Sooo I thought I would share some videos here because... well... why not? I initially made this blog to talk about my hopes, dreams and goals- particularly in the theatre and music world!

I came up with this idea after I didn't make the callback to be a Young Performing Missionary in Nauvoo. I worked my butt off on making that video, which you can find here:

It's not a bad audition! It isn't perfect, but definitely not bad. I was a wee bit upset when I received the initial email saying I didn't make it. I didn't understand! I had been waiting to audition for years and always held off because it didn't feel right. Well, it finally felt right! And then I didn't even make the callback? Ouch. This was the opportunity that was finally going to carry me away from the little town of Buena Vista! I had my excuse to leave for at LEAST 4 months and then I'd hopefully be going straight to grad school somewhere! And now... I still have no idea where to go next. It was a tough blow.

Then I was talking with my  mom (aren't moms wonderful?!?!) and she told me a story. My Great-Grandma is not a particularly religious person. She does not have any internet, no smart devices, etc. and lives on the complete other side of the country from me so she has never heard/seen me sing/act/perform, anything. When my mom was on the phone with my Great-Grandma, me mum told me grandma about the audition video. She was upset she couldn't see it, but lucky for her, my Great-Aunt was there! And she has a smart phone with a data plan! So they looked it up and watched. It was the first time she had EVER heard me sing (which is kinda, sorta my passion and the reason I decided to do Musical Theatre). My aunt said my grandma had tears in her eyes the entire time and said she felt something (as she motioned to her heart).

I was able to help my grandma feel the Spirit- even if she didn't recognize that is what it was. I was able to plant a seed. THAT made ALL of the effort I put into that video worth it. How could it not? Why was I auditioning to be a YPM? To touch people's lives and help them feel the Spirit- even if it was just one person. And I did that with just the audition video. Other people are meant to be touched by whatever lucky souls get selected to be in Nauvoo this year. I touched who I was meant to touch. And who knows? Maybe I touched more lives than just her's! That was just the one I heard about because the Lord knew I needed something to help me not become discouraged.

So I decided I wanted to make her a little CD of me, my uke, and whatever I could make sound half-way decent. I am still working on learning and recording songs to make it a CD with more than just a 4-5 songs, but since it was all saved on my computer and I have a YouTube channel I figured it would be worth it to get my voice out there a bit. Maybe for my future career/schooling options, maybe for my family, maybe for someone whose life I may touch in some small way! It doesn't matter- which is why I haven't worried too much about making these videos perfect in anyway, but simple and raw. This is me.

I started with Somewhere Over the Rainbow, as seen in the video below!

So, totally not perfect and there were some recording issues that came up, but considering I am recording the sound on my Kindle as I sing and play, I am fairly content! I received some pretty good feedback- it only has a few views, but I hope those few people needed it in some way. :)

So the next (and last for this post) video is one of my favorite hymns. It was just barely posted to YouTube (published as I wrote this post. :D) It was one of the last songs I recorded so my voice is tired- but that's just another aspect of me! I sing and play until I'm exhausted because of how much I love it! It isn't always wise, but I always feel fulfilled. This song is incredibly near and dear to my  heart, so here it is!

I have more songs recorded (just like.... 3 more...) but I haven't made them videos yet. I know these aren't perfect. I know I am not perfect. But I also know that the Lord gave me the talents He did for a reason. I also know I am supposed to use my talents to help expand His kingdom. So here is a small contribution from little ole' me as we all struggle through life and try to find our way! I love you, God bless, and Merry Christmas!!!!!


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