How to: Vanquish Princess/Prince Moody ;)

So, this past week (minus the past few days!) has been weird! I have not been my normal, sunshine-y, everything is happy self. I've been: PRINCESS MOODY (or the Moody Wench, as I like to to call her). Dun, dun, DUN!
And it was awful. But a few days ago, I discovered how to cure myself, and anyone, of being Princess (or Prince!) Moody. Ready. Set. GO!

How to: VANQUISH Princess/Prince Moody (or the Moody Wench)

1) Start reading scriptures again. With an open-heart.
Yeah... I had slacked off from the day before I moved, until just a few days ago. That's when I realized this could EASILY be a major reason why I was being such a brat. The scriptures are here for us to learn, to teach, and to help us feel peace. I had been upset about the decision I had made to stay here. Once I had made that decision, all of this opposition seemed to come flying at me (Hello, Jasmine. That is your cue that it is a GOOD choice. Idiot.). I didn't understand, I didn't want to be in the middle of drama, and I actually looked up prices for a plane ticket home. Then, I started reading the scriptures (I had realized I was behind on my goal!). For those of you that are LDS, you know that Alma is very much so a book of war. And, except for a few chapters, I was never able to really get anything out of it. This last time, I just read and read, and devoured it. I was able to see how the war stuff, applied to every day stuff. The amount that Moroni, Lehi, Teancum, Helaman, the Stripling Warriors etc. all prayed and made sure they prepared for everything was astounding! The depended on the Lord, but made sure they did their part. And when they were even a little bit successful they immediately thanked their Lord. Moroni also immediately goes to help others the moment he can. He thought of his troops and his friends before himself and it was truly inspiring to read. And guess what? I started feeling better and more like myself. I wasn't there yet. But it helped. (If you aren't religious, go find something that means a lot to you, or that you do believe in. Something inspiring. Ghandi, Buddha, anything that has to do with Bushido, whatever. The more uplifting things you read, the more uplifted you will be!) So what's next?

2) REALLY pray hard to Heavenly Father for love and guidance.
Oof. This. This is a thing. It's a very good thing. And let me add an addendum: with an open heart that is willing and ready to hear/feel anything the Lord wants you to. I'm not going to go into a whole bunch of detail here, but seriously. Open up a channel with your Heavenly Father. He wants to hear from you, He wants to know what is going on in your life through your eyes, He wants to know that you love Him enough to come to Him when you have problems. And He will help you. The amount of peace and comfort I felt the moment I said the words "Dear Heavenly Father" and tried really hard to make sure my heart was open is astounding. Just. Beautiful. DO IT. And try it out loud. Please. It has changed my life and my relationship with my Father in Heaven. (Again, if not religious, try writing. Or talking to someone you know loves you unconditionally. Try singing. That helps me. Or just talk to yourself. Talking or writing it out helps SO much.)

3) Have a really good, really long cry. Then take a nap.
Yup. Nothing more needs to be said. I allowed myself ONE long cry. That wasn't even that long. And then I napped for the rest of the day. Granted, I had been up until about 5 am the night before. But still. Nap. If you aren't getting enough sleep or nutritious foods, or you aren't allowing yourself to purge your emotions healthily. GO DO IT. Don't take it out on those around you. It sucks.

4) Tell yourself to "Suck it up, Buttercup." Self-pity was never attractive or fun.
After you wake up, get over it. Who cares if life isn't going exactly the way you want it? Who cares if so and so isn't doing this and that? Self-pity is annoying for you and everyone else around you. It becomes the "fun-sucker". No one wants to play with a fun-sucker.

5) Remind yourself that it isn't all about you. It's about those around you, it's about the earth, it is about all of the beautiful things you see and hear every day.
Almost the same as number 4. Go follow Humans of New York on Facebook. Some of those things are incredibly inspiring and beautiful. HONY reminds us what living is for everyone, and it reminds us about other people, their problems, their joy, their achievements. And it makes you so happy to see other people just living. Also, I know this is cliche, but seriously, the more you forget yourself and remember others, the happier you will be. And the more blessed you will feel. It will be so much easier to see all of the beautiful things you have been given.

6) Remember that the Lord has a plan for you. Trust in Him.
The Lord doesn't have a Plan B. He knows what He wants and He is going to do everything in His power to make sure that you can trust Him. But it has to be based on faith. Not knowledge. Faith. He is always there. Trust Him. (If you aren't religious then think about balance. Everything must have balance and balance will be maintained. If it isn't, then the world wouldn't exist as it does. In my mind, anyway. Or, if you aren't religious, then just ignore this one ;) )

7) To let people and experiences shape who you are, but not define who you are.
I am a HUGE advocate of "Follow your dreams, don't let anyone stop you, don't depend on anyone else to make you happy, be happy on your own, be independent, etc., etc." And this past week, I was a total hypocrite. I started depending on others for my happiness! I was allowing situations that I heard about, or was a part of, DEFINE me. No. I need to let them shape me, and influence me, but they are NOT me. I take what is happening and I use it. Use your experiences. Don't let them use you.

8) To remember that I have worth. The Savior paid with His life for me. And He thought it was worth it.
A friend shared this yesterday at church and I loved it. We all have equal worth, and the Savior paid for every single one of us. I was starting to feel sorry for myself because my body started rebelling against me again. If you've been following the blog for awhile, you know that I have some issues. My body doesn't like to lose weight and keep it off. I was so excited because at the beginning of this summer until about a week ago, I was losing. And I was happy and looked/felt good. This past week or so, I started gaining it back even though I was exercising and eating relatively healthily. I am FAR too emotionally tied to my weight and how I think I look. It's crippling really, and something that I am working on. BUT, despite how I look, despite the fact that I gained back over half of the weight I had lost, I am still worth it according to the Savior. My value did not decrease because I added a few pounds. My value, and my worth stayed the same. That is something we all REALLY need to remember. Maybe you did something REALLY bad that you knew you should not have done, it doesn't matter. You are still worth every single drop of precious blood the Savior gave up. Remember that.

9) Apologize to those you were a nasty wench to or around.
I actually did this right after step 2 (praying). But I recommend waiting for a bit. I don't think my words came out the way I wanted them to when I apologized. But I knew there were a few people in particular I had been nasty around, so I apologized. Don't be dumb. Just apologize. It isn't THAT hard. Ok... so it sucks. But do it. That way you can seek forgiveness, and you can know that they know that you know you were Princess/Prince Moody and that you are truly sorry for it. (Haha, favorite sentence right there.)

10) To start wearing a warning label whenever you are near your period :D
Last, but not least, invest in a warning label. Yes, men, you need one, too. All men have "man-periods" where they become more moody or hormonal than usual. For both genders, we need warning labels. I don't know why it is so not okay to tell someone when you are near or on your period, especially a woman telling a man. I think it would clear up a LOT of mis-communication. Now, I don't think periods should be used as an excuse. I LOATHE when people do that. But it is a real thing! Hormones go crazy, cramps happen, and moodiness ensues. I think we all need to learn how to control it better, but it's a work in progress, and can still help explain a LOT of stuff that happens in every day life. I'm fairly open about when I'm PMS-ing. I don't waltz into a room and yell and scream about my uterus being torn to shreds, but if someone asks, or I feel it is incredibly important for someone to know why I am curled into a little ball about to cry at everything that is being said, then I will let folks know, "Hey, I'm not usually this crazy, but uh... yeah. It's that lovely time of the month! Peace out, yo!" Not hard.

And this, my friends, is how you can someday completely annihilate and destroy Princess/Prince Moody (aka The Moody Wench). :) Feel free to let me know of any success stories! Or if this fails. I'm cool with those stories, too! ;)

Also... don't ask why the formatting/color stuff is off... I have no idea and can't seem to fix it. I'm not all that technology savvy. Enjoy!


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