I. Am. Beautiful. Because the World is Full of Love

Ohhh hello Blog. Good to see you again. I've neglected you for far too long.
I apologize to anyone who has actually consistently followed my blog... I just.. didn't have the heart to write.

It is exactly 1:30 n the morning as I write this, but I just felt this need to say something. It was a realization I JUST had:

I. Am. Beautiful.

Gah! I've never said those words about myself before. Never. I've said that I feel beautiful, or that life is beautiful, but I have never said the words "I am beautiful." Well, guess what? I am. And so are you. In all of our imperfections we are beautiful. I was admiring my hands and how they move. I was admiring the way the bones move and how I just love the little hollow down by my small wrists. Then I started going up and down on my toes and I saw the muscles moving on my calves and I felt how strong and hard they are. I danced past a mirror in my apartment and am I perfect? Absolutely not! Am I terribly flawed physically? Absolutely yes! But I am beautiful. I am not a super model, I am not absolutely drop-dead gorgeous. Nor am I stunning and far too great for any mortal eye to see. Are there improvements I need to fix? Sure thing! But I'm working on it, and although I will never look exactly how I want to, even though I have acne and acne scars, even though I do have a bit of extra flab: I am a beautiful, voluptuous ;), womanly woman. :).

My crazy Valentine's Day outfit and the hair that took WAY too long. I also had pink rain boots.

This snowman and I became quite chummy on this beautiful Valentine's Day. Unfortunately, he melted quite soon after. But goodness we were great friends!!

Now, I hate to have yet another one of those "I am pretty because my dad said so, or because I don't need to follow the media, and women need to take a stand about their own beauty, blah, blah, blah." I hate those, too.

I just found it amazing as I waltzed past this mirror in baggy sweats and a t-shirt my first thought was that "I am beautiful."

You want to know how this happened? It is because I opened my heart to love. If anyone really knows me, they know that I have a terrible time with expressing sentimentality or even just heartfelt feelings. I am not good with words, and those kind in particular feel awkward to me. So I make fun of them. But please, allow me to be sentimental for the moment. I love you. I love you so much. I may not have any idea who you are, what your past is like, or what your future may be, but I love you because you are a part of this world.

We have such a huge capacity for love. The world and media outlets and even social networking sites constantly show the huge human capacity for hate and capacity. But there is "opposition in all things" or "opposites attract" or whatever you want to say. With every ounce of hate we see in this world, there is JUST as much love, even if it is just a potential and/or capacity for love. It is there! And it is beautiful! I love my family, my friends, nature, God, music, theatre, my future spouse and family, my blankets, my stuffed animal frogs (of which I have many!), and art, and so, so, so much more! All it takes is a little bit of opening your mind and heart to receiving and reciprocating all of the love and happiness around you. My life has been forever changed all because one girl told me that Valentine's Day was her favorite holiday and then proceeded to tell me why. Guys, we have a holiday to celebrate LOVE! Isn't it wonderful? All kinds of love and being celebrated ALL the time, but we get a HOLIDAY to REALLY focus on it, too! What could be more perfect! It has taken me nearly 4 years before I finally understood just how much and why she loves Valentine's Day. Love is lovely. Love is perfect. "Love alters not when alteration finds..." And ALL love is, is positive thinking, opening your mind and heart to letting some people in, and wanting to be happy!

I have been SO happy lately, and I thought happiness was contagious. But I have found a terrible disease in people. They WANT to be miserable! What?!?! What kind of sorcery is this?! I realize you can gain attention, and feel all cool by dwelling in your misery, but you are missing out on SO much more by not being happy! Your memories and your life will be far more kind to you if you just agree to be a happy person. I don't mean that fake, insincere happiness. I just mean so happy and full of love that you could burst and people look at you and don't know whether to join you in your infectious happiness, or run away laughing because you look a little crazed.

Happiness and love are real. They are what our lives are really about. If you don't believe in any kind of deity, believe in happiness and love. It creates purpose, and gives life to you as you take your journey through this world. Our Heavenly Father wants us to be happy and feel joy and love. He tells us exactly how to do it, too! "Knock and it shall be given..." Notice that YOU have to knock. You have to be willing to say, "Yes, I am ready to be happy. Help me open my heart to the love and support around me and help me to reciprocate it." IT'S SO SIMPLE! So simple you must be thinking that this CANNOT be true and that you have tried it and it didn't work. Welp. That's because you wanted to wallow a bit more in your misery. You have to let go of ALL desire to be miserable. You must want ALL of you to be happy and to love everyone! Obviously, life will still be a roller coaster of emotions, but you can more easily find your way back to happiness. And by opening yourself to this love and this happiness, you cannot help but learn to love yourself! And when you begin to love yourself, you begin to see how Christ sees you. And you are beautiful. As is every single person on the planet. We are full of Christ's love. Our souls and our bodies are one, and we are beautiful.

Well, this is my, now 2 am, rant on how beautiful love, the world, life, and happiness are.

My dear and beautiful friends, Happy Day, I love you!!!


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