My Definition of How to FEEL Good!

I don't know about you, but I like to feel good! Life is stressful, life is crazy, life is filled with far too many ups and downs. Roller coasters are fun in moderation. On a daily emotional occurrence it is not as fun. Today/past few days I have been trying to feel good because I have just been stressed out of my mind! I think I may have come up with my own personal formula! Productivity + physical activity + BREATHING (aka relaxing) + pacing myself + support (physical and spiritual) + Doing something I love. That may seem like a lot...but it's really not!

Oh. My. Gosh. Being productive is fantastic! When I'm productive I just feel a million and one times better about myself! I mean, yes, it can be stressful, but once you accomplish what you set out to accomplish you just feel so good about yourself! Half the time I even go around and look for more stuff to do. Which is actually why I am writing this blog now... I wanted something to do, but I didn't want to write my paper that isn't due for a couple weeks :) The past week or so has been... pretty stressful. I have discovered though, that it was mainly because I just kept thinking of all the things I needed to do, and added on to it instead of DOING anything. Yesterday and today I have been running around like a crazy person doing all sorts of things that I need to do. I still have TONS I need to do, but I feel like I can do it. I just need to pace myself and make a schedule and not think that I need to do it ALL at once.

Physical activity. Wow. This has been such an amazing addition to my life. I dance for about 10 hours a week and I feel SO much better. I even want to add on running to my list of things to do! That may be a little impossible to do during school, but the moment summer starts up I will be running and hopefully keeping up on my dancing as much as possible! With a summer stock company getting 10 hours a week won't be very feasible but I know I could get at least an hour or two a couple times a week! I used to have absolutely no self-confidence in myself physically. I thought I was huge, ugly and just kind of a pain in beautiful people's sides. I have since discovered that I am unique and beautiful in my own way. The physical activity makes me feel so good despite the hurt. I love feeling my muscles burn and stretch. I love being able to do something I couldn't before. I used to wear sweats and t-shirts, or jeans and baggier shirts ALL the time. Thanks to the physical activity I've done and how much better I feel about myself, I wear clothes that actually fit me and fit my personality. It has been SO much fun to step out of the bonds of "propriety" and to wear whatever I feel like, just because I want to! Spunky rain boots, skinny jeans, black t-shirt, knit sweater, pig tails and dangly earrings? I think yes. :)

Okay... breathing. Breathing and relaxing are GOOD! You would think it was the most evil thing on the face of the planet according to how much people seem to avoid it! If you breath, relax and then let yourself calmly and slowly think about the things you need to do and prioritize them, life is MUCH easier. When you are tense you block everything out of your head and let everything just pile up on you until you can't avoid it and then you HAVE to do it but you don't do it as well as you could because you are tense! Just like in acting, you can't truthfully act, if you aren't breathing and allowing yourself to be vulnerable. You cannot successfully write your best paper (or whatever) until you breath and relax.

Pacing myself. I think I've discussed this a tad earlier. Prioritizing and not trying to rush through things hurriedly is the way to go! Make a schedule, write a list, etc. Chill. Everything doesn't have to happen at once, even if you think it does, it generally doesn't. Take your time and do it right!

Support systems are... the bomb. Knowing my family is there to support and help me whenever I need help with anything is one of the best feelings ever. I called and talked to both of my parents today and it was just so peaceful and fun. They are there to help me. My mom is always sending me different emails or texts to help me get through whatever stressful thing I have coming up next. My dad is also there. He, almost daily, texts all of his kids goodnight and that he loves us. If I call and he can't answer, he calls back the moment he can to see if I need anything. He always looks for ways to make my life easier. He even sent me a printer!'s SUPER old, but it's a printer nonetheless! I also have my friends there to help me. There are many people here that I know I can just run and talk to about anything. They may not be able to help, but they are there to listen and offer encouragement or whatever it is I need to hear at the time. The biggest help I have, that I don't think of as much as I should, is my Heavenly Father and His son, Jesus Christ. They are ALWAYS there for me and will always answer any questions I have if I ask in faith, believing I will receive an answer. The scriptures are always there for me to read, the Spirit is always there ready to bear witness or give my heart a warm glow. I am supported and loved and by realizing this, I found another way to make myself feel whole!

And my most favorite part of my formula for feeling good: doing something I love. I am privileged enough to be in a major that requires me to sing, act and dance. I am able to do and practice all of the things I love for credit! And just for fun, but it makes me so happy to always be able to be working on the talents I feel my Father in Heaven gave to me. Some days I may be frustrated with all of my musical theatre stuff I have to do, and so I turn to other things like piano, reading, writing, etc. but I always find something to do that I love!

I don't know why I felt the need to write this, maybe as a reminder to myself to not become too frustrated or stressed, maybe to help some of you readers out there, I don't know. I do know that this was fun to write and recognize though! I hope it helps motivate, help or something some of you, but if not, I hope you at least enjoyed reading it. All of these things have really helped me to be a much happier person the past few days, so if nothing else, it's worth trying out. :)


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