The End of Summer

Summer stock is coming to a close! It's rather bittersweet.
What I AM NOT going to miss:

  • A house full of 6 girls. don't get me wrong, I love each and every single one of them, but the same six girls over one summer where we are constantly together =TENSION! Thankfully I'm not terribly involved as far as I know, but even the middleman is excited to be out! Having 3+ girls on their periods at the same time was enough to drive everyone nuts!
  • Power tools. We just didn't get along very well. I can now work a screw driver...kind of :P And a chop saw! Also kind of :) 
  • All-nighters. These are actually in the gray area...but I'm excited to be able to sleep on a some-what normal schedule again!
  • Sharing a bed. I love her dearly, but having my own bed and not having to worry about someone else in it is going to be bliss!
  • Not being able to see my boyfriend, family and other friends as much as I wanted to. I only got to see my boyfriend and family about every 2 weeks and I miss them!
What I AM going to miss:

  • Performing and rehearsing almost every day! I always learn something new about my character or myself every single time I perform! I love these shows so much and I have learned tons from them and the people around me. 
  • The closeness I have with these girls. Yes, we got on each other's nerves quite a bit, but we love each other. We all know more about each other than I think we ever expected to know. I have loved the friendships I have developed this summer and I hope we can all stay close! Far enough away that we don't eat each other's faces off...but still close :)
  • Learning something from my director every time he talked to me. I had many talks with my director about things I wanted help with, and he was always willing to listen and answer to the best of his ability. I'm going to miss that so much! I know I will still have that at school, but in a cast this small without a ton of other things taking his attention it was easier to get the help I needed. And it will be a different director at school. He is just as helpful and wonderful, but I will still miss this one and how much he taught me.
  • Having something that needed to get done and a plan to do it. I hate when my life wanders aimlessly (ok, for a day or two sometimes it nice, but then I have to have something to do!) and having a plan almost every day of what needed to get done was awesome.
  • Sometimes having the theatre to myself. I love when I am able to be alone in a theatre, on the stage and just sing and perform to my heart's desire without having to worry about judgment, etc. Once school starts I won't have that opportunity as much. Back to practice rooms I will have to go!
  • So, so, so much more!
This was one of the best experiences of my life and I am so happy and grateful I was given this opportunity and that the Lord opened up a way for me to be able to do it! If any of you read this I love you all and I am so happy I was able to go on this ride with you by my side.


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