So I'm a Kid. Who Cares.
So I'm a bit of a child. It probably isn't SUPER obvious from my posts since I tend to write about more serious things, but yes. I'm a kid. I probably have a 5 year old somewhere inside my college-kid sized body. I don't mind that I act like a kid, in fact, it is a good release from every day stress and annoyance. Something I have discovered lately, is that people think I should grow up more. Okay, I can handle that, but why? Why get rid of child-like joy? Why get rid of occasionally playing soccer with empty milk jugs in my room with my roommate? Why should I always be stoic and have an 'adult' sense of humor? Why can't I be excited about a bow in my hair, a new stuffed animal, crayons, fuzzy socks, awesome rain boots? Who's to say I shouldn't be? No one that really matters to me so far. I want to retain a child-like innocence, a child-like love of things that make me happy. Life...can be hell. I'm sorry if I come across as child-ish and imm...