New Year's Pants and Secret Scars

I'm not 100% sure what I want to communicate in this post. It's been about 8 months since I've posted anything. I guess it's been that long since I've felt like I had something worth sharing. 8 months since I felt like I had accomplished anything big or small that I felt like if I shared my experience maybe it would help someone else. (I don't want this to sound all dreary- I'm fine! Just sharing some thoughts as I try to decide what I actually want to say). I've had this title in my head for a bit over a week now. It's not even that great of a title. But since it wouldn't leave, I thought I'd type it out and see what came of it. I know many of you blogger types take forever writing and editing a post. I kind of just throw it all out there and hope for the best (and as few typos as possible). 2016 and 2017 were some hard years. They are some of the years I have felt the most useless. I felt like I was wasting away my life and that my contri...