Please Be Braver Than Me
This isn't going to be one of my usual faith-filled, happy-go-lucky kind of posts so leave now if you are looking for a pick me up! ...But just going to put it out there that life is hard. There is a major challenge in my life right now that has me all kinds of crazy... I'm going to quote a VERY long text message I sent a friend after she asked me how I was doing. I don't think she quite expected this answer. "You asked me if I was okay. And that has a very complicated answer. Yes, I'm technically okay. And honestly I love seeing *insert a lot things I really have loved about myself lately*. At the same time I hate myself for those exact same things... *insert some more reasons* I want to ask for help but I'm scared to and secretly don't want it at all. If I pray about it I can tell I don't mean it because *insert more reasons*. I'm scared that when I REALLY start to work on it I'm just going to fall right back into my self loathing I try to...