Relaxing Power of Words. Crazy.
So I had this draft of a post I was going to write...and it was called "Mere Venting" and it was really moody, kind of depressing, poorly written (not that any of my posts are great by any means...but this one was REALLY bad.) But I decided to delete it and try again. I wrote the draft a few nights ago, and didn't post because I hated how negative it was. The next evening I went outside to just watch the sunset. As I watched words just came to me. I didn't want to lose them so I quickly grabbed my phone and just kept typing, and typing, and typing. Until I had a prose poem. I was shocked! I don't do poetry! Or words! I speak in sounds! But it felt SO good to just write things and put images and meanings to things that maybe no one else would understand, but made me feel better. Now, I have no poetry experience besides those random units they make you do in Middle School, so it is by no means good poetry. But it felt so good to write. To put feelings down on pape...